Ascocoryne cylichnium - Аскокорина цилиндрическая - Cylindrical Jelly Club - Zylindrischer Kelchbecherling Ascocoryne cylichnium is a species of fungi in the family Helotiaceae, within the order Helotiales of the Ascomycota...

Ascocoryne cylichnium - Аскокорина цилиндрическая - Cylindrical Jelly Club - Zylindrischer Kelchbecherling

Ascocoryne cylichnium is a species of fungi in the family Helotiaceae, within the order Helotiales of the Ascomycota phylum. It is commonly known as cylindrical…

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Ascocoryne sarcoides - Аскокорина саркоидная - Jelly Drops - Fleischroter Kelchbecherling Ascocoryne sarcoides is a species of fungi in the family Helotiaceae, within the order Helotiales of the Ascomycota...

Ascocoryne sarcoides - Аскокорина саркоидная - Jelly Drops - Fleischroter Kelchbecherling

Ascocoryne sarcoides is a species of fungi in the family Helotiaceae, within the order Helotiales of the Ascomycota phylum. It is commonly known as jelly drops…

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Hymenoscyphus epiphyllus - Гименосцифус эпифиллус - Leafy Hymenoscyphus - Blattbesiedelnder Schlauchbecherling Hymenoscyphus epiphyllus, a fascinating species of fungi, belongs to the family Helotiaceae within the Ascomycota...

Hymenoscyphus epiphyllus - Гименосцифус эпифиллус - Leafy Hymenoscyphus - Blattbesiedelnder Schlauchbecherling

Hymenoscyphus epiphyllus, a fascinating species of fungi, belongs to the family Helotiaceae within the Ascomycota phylum. This fungus is known to be widely…

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Hymenoscyphus fructigenus - Гименосцифус плодовый - Brown Hymenoscyphus - Fruchttragender Schlauchbecherling Hymenoscyphus fructigenus is an intriguing species of fungi that belongs to the family Helotiaceae within the Ascomycota...

Hymenoscyphus fructigenus - Гименосцифус плодовый - Brown Hymenoscyphus - Fruchttragender Schlauchbecherling

Hymenoscyphus fructigenus is an intriguing species of fungi that belongs to the family Helotiaceae within the Ascomycota phylum. This fungus is known to occur…

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Bisporella citrina - Биспорелла лимонная - Lemon Disco Fungus - Zitronengelbe Schüsselchenflechte Bisporella citrina is a small, cup-shaped fungus belonging to the family Helotiaceae within the order Helotiales of the...

Bisporella citrina - Биспорелла лимонная - Lemon Disco Fungus - Zitronengelbe Schüsselchenflechte

Bisporella citrina is a small, cup-shaped fungus belonging to the family Helotiaceae within the order Helotiales of the Ascomycota phylum. Its fruiting bodies,…

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