Helvella acetabulum - Лопастник бокальчатый - Vinegar Cup - Essigbecher-Helmling Helvella acetabulum, commonly known as the Vinegar Cup or Essigbecher-Helmling in German, is an ascomycete fungus...

Helvella acetabulum - Лопастник бокальчатый - Vinegar Cup - Essigbecher-Helmling

Helvella acetabulum, commonly known as the Vinegar Cup or Essigbecher-Helmling in German, is an ascomycete fungus belonging to the family Helvellaceae. This…

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Helvella lacunosa - Лопастник бороздчатый - Fluted Black Elfin Saddle - Gefurchter Lerchensporn Helvella lacunosa, also known as the Fluted Black Elfin Saddle or Gefurchter Lerchensporn in German, is a species of...

Helvella lacunosa - Лопастник бороздчатый - Fluted Black Elfin Saddle - Gefurchter Lerchensporn

Helvella lacunosa, also known as the Fluted Black Elfin Saddle or Gefurchter Lerchensporn in German, is a species of fungi belonging to the Helvellaceae family.…

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Helvella crispa - Лопастник курчавый - White Saddle Fungus - Krause Lerchensporn Helvella crispa, commonly known as the White Saddle Fungus or Krause Lerchensporn in German, is a distinctive fungus...

Helvella crispa - Лопастник курчавый - White Saddle Fungus - Krause Lerchensporn

Helvella crispa, commonly known as the White Saddle Fungus or Krause Lerchensporn in German, is a distinctive fungus belonging to the Helvellaceae family. It is…

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