Sarcoscypha austriaca - Саркосцифа австрийская - Scarlet elf cup - Rotkelchen oder Österreichische Lorchel. Sarcoscypha austriaca is a species of cup fungus that belongs to the family Sarcoscyphaceae. It is commonly known as the...

Sarcoscypha austriaca - Саркосцифа австрийская - Scarlet elf cup - Rotkelchen oder Österreichische Lorchel.

Sarcoscypha austriaca is a species of cup fungus that belongs to the family Sarcoscyphaceae. It is commonly known as the Scarlet elf cup due to its bright red…

299 images

Sarcoscypha coccinea - Саркосцифа алая - Scarlet cup - Scharlachroter Kelchbecher Sarcoscypha coccinea is a species of cup fungus that belongs to the family Sarcoscyphaceae. It is commonly known as the...

Sarcoscypha coccinea - Саркосцифа алая - Scarlet cup - Scharlachroter Kelchbecher

Sarcoscypha coccinea is a species of cup fungus that belongs to the family Sarcoscyphaceae. It is commonly known as the Scarlet cup due to its bright red color,…

66 images

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